Even an experienced Manager can get it wrong with new hires. Here's a few tips to minimise the risk.
We also offer a comprehensive manager’s interview training session, free of charge.
- Read the CV thoroughly
- Highlight areas of interest or anything which is unclear (i.e. employment dates)
- Write down what you want to achieve from the interview
- Start the interview with a social discussion to relax the individual. The aim is to try and see the real person, rather than the interview persona
- Start the interview with clarification of the individual’s CV: check dates, education (ensure qualifications were completed) and look for employment gaps
- Probe around your pre-requisite skills using behavioural questioning techniques. Behavioural questioning uses real life examples of what an individual did in the past to anticipate what they might do in future
- Use open questions to gauge a discussion. Use closed questions to confirm facts. E.g., Tell me about a time when you were leading a team who disagreed with your decision? What did you do? What was the outcome?
- Probe salary levels. If you are not comfortable that they are at the right levels, contact
Talent Vault for an accurate assessment of salaries. Remember that most Salary Surveys are written the year before and may not reflect true market rates
- Discuss the job on offer if you feel they are possibly the “right candidate”
- Gauge interest of the candidate
- Contact your
Talent Vault representative to perform reference checks and ability testing
- Arrange secondary internal meetings with HR or Technical representatives of your company
- Contact your Talent Vault representative to manage an offer proposition. We are trained to negotiate a win-win situation. Often candidates will share concerns with a third party that they would not share with a client, for fear it would jeopardise their relationship / the job offer.
If you are interested in a comprehensive manager’s interview training session please contact
Steve Gillingwater.
Ability and Psychometric Testing can be arraged on an ad-hoc basis